Christa's World

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A bad week

Well between my motorcycle getting stolen, burning my hand, and loosing some money, last week was one for the books. I take back the 7th reason I love korea! :( I was feeling so happy and things were going so good. But I just had the worst week! I miss my motorcycle soooo much! It was one of the best things I had here in Korea, and I am just hoping like crazy that the police will call to say they have found it. Someone mentioned that I should name my bike (before the theft) and so I have come up with one....Houdini. I just hope that it reappears! I will give it 3 weeks and then if it is not returned, I plan on buying another one. But man....does that ever suck! I am trying to stay positive, but everywhere i look I see motorcycles...and my heart that mine? that mine? no....On a good note, I have kept swimming, and I feel good that I did not let this interfere with my exercise regiment...I had an excellent excuse not to go, but I went anyway. Swimming just really helps me feel good! I was anxious when I thought I could NOT go! I hope that this is a sign of what my exercise future holds.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Guitar that does not make my hands bleed!!

Well, I left my guitar lesson intent on driving home to relax and unwind when I had a last minute thought to pop into my mechanics to see if the new seat cover I ordered was in yet. He had received one but it did not fit, so he ordered another one. Not 10 minutes later a man on a scooter arrived to his shop with a seat cover! (by the way, this is costing me a total of 15 bucks, this includes labor and parts!). Anyway the delivery guy notices I have a guitar so he motions that he would like to look at it. I give the go-ahead and he picks it up and hands it to me....encouraging me to play. Well, I thought he was a nice enough guy, so I did not torture him with my "rendition" of guitar (that sounds suspiciously like Phebe from "Friends"). I ask him to play. And man does he ever! He was soooo great! So there we were jamming in the garage of some guys motorcycle shop. This noise brings out the wife who proceeds to feed us and give us drinks (before I leave, she stuffs 3 drinks in my bag because I told her they were delicious). I tell him (in my mime language) that I hate my guitar and that is sucks! Does he know where I can get a good one? Well, turns out that he actually does have a friend and his friend will meet me in 5 minutes. And his friend does. He takes me down the road (just across from where I live) and brings me up to his Music conservatory. There are about 20 different sound proof rooms where people are practicing guitar, piano, singing, and there is even a studio. So this guy shows me all around the conservatory, introduces me to everyone (again I am greeted like a long lost friend/rock star) and then brings me a brand new guitar, and it is BEAUTIFUL (and does not make my hands ache when I practice). Only 90 bucks, and it of course includes a leather case! My guitar teacher is leaving in May, so the guy offered to teach me at that conservatory! Have I mentioned that I loved Korea? lol...Just about anything can and does happen.

Good wherever you look

Well, I have been in Korea for 7 months and only recently would consider staying an extra year (cannot though because of grad school next year). I am so happy. I started watching a program that Oprah put on her show. It is called "the secret" and it spoke to me. I really understand what it is they are trying to say and I have started to apply the principals in my life. The premise of this "secret" is based on the laws of attraction, and basically says that you attract into your life what you put out there. It is all about putting a positive message, and being grateful for all you have in your life. I really see the world differently now, and I am so happy. I see good wherever I look and I have really seen what a positive outlook can do for you life. I am swimming now every morning. This time, early in the morning, is so peaceful and it is a time for me to charge myself for the day. Now, if you have ever swam in Korea, you can understand what a "gong show" it can be. In fact there are usually so many people (8 to a lane) that I would describe it more as a class in self-defense. For a culture so bent on rules, the pool is a free for all...elbows, feet, hands everywhere! BUT! In the morning I practically have the Olympic sized pool to myself, give or take a few people. Large double lanes with plenty of elbow room. It really makes such a big difference. I started out my morning today not having a swimming cap (need one in a Korea pool...its the RULES) but a kind man working at the pool gave me one and would not take any money for it. I went down to the pool for a swim. It is funny, a regular swimming would think "how different could it be from Canada"? Well let me tell is a different world, and the good old Koreans did not let me down today. I am swimming in my lane when I noticed that the person next to me was wearing scuba swim lanes? And the guy next to her was doing some sort of cerebral palsy dance and I thought to myself "wow that is great, a man with special needs is getting some fun in the pool". Well, turns out he is NOT special, just exercising. Top this off with a woman standing in the shallow end ferociously beating the water with her hands...pouch pouch pouch...just beating the crap out of the she was not angry, she was exercising! Funny, no one looked twice at these people, but it sure gave me a reason to smile and think "I am so grateful that I have the chance to see this different world". Move on to the shower scene now...I forgot my soap, I have my shampoo and my conditioner, but no soap. Not a big deal I think, but for some reason a women in the shower somehow noticed I did not have soap and came over to offer me her face cloth and a squirt of her body shampoo. How sweet! (I took the soap, not her face cloth, God love her). I guess I did not have enough so she came back and re squirted! Now tell me, would a Canadian do that...or even NOTICE that I was lacking soap? I tell you there is just good wherever I look!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Old Me....But New and Improved

The old me....but new and improved
Since returning from Australia, I kind of went through a down period, where I hated all that was Korea. All I wanted was to be safe at home with my family and those I love and trusted. A part of this was because I really loved that Australia (although thousands of miles away from my home in Canada) was familiar to me. There were all sorts of comforts, some that I had forgotten about, some that I was excited about revisiting. I just loved Australia. So, coming back to Korea felt like a step down somehow. Also contributing to this "blue period" was the end of a friendship. This was a necessary step for both myself and my friend, but none the less it left me questioning some things in my life. Because of these things I felt like I needed to reassess why I am here in Korea, and revisit why I came here in the first place. After about 2 weeks of getting in my own way, I woke up one day enlightened. I was at one time afraid of riding my motorcycle here , but now am finding so much joy and pleasure of cruising the streets of Mokpo. I cannot say how free and happy I feel when I am riding that bike. Secondly, I am taking guitar lessons from a very very patient kind fellow foreigner. I have always wanted to really know how to play (not in a band, but around a campfire) and this friend of mine is just the right teacher for me. The weekly lessons keeps me motivated to practice, and I can already see differences in my playing. Third, I am starting to eat better, more healthy and exercise. Although the exercise is not as often as I planned, I am making some real changes there and once again have a foreign friend helping me along the way. Her enthusiasm and knowledge helps me get and stay motivated (although sometimes I am just in awe of her ability to motivate herself!) And lastly I have started to change my negative thoughts, about myself, others and Korea in general. I want to look back on this moment in time as something I really soaked in and got the most out of. So in dedication to my newly found positive self:
The Top Ten Reasons Why "I Love Korea"
Wherever you go, you are a celebrity, great for the ego! You think to yourself, hey is Brad Pitt around, why are these people so excited and giggly? Oh....its because of me! (although sometimes it falls in the top 10 reasons I hate Korea lol)
Everything is so CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP here, did I mention you could get a full dinner for under 4 $
and speaking of dinner...
Kalby! And Samgot sum Love love love it!!!
The people here are so honest. I have never seen more honest people in my life.
Korean work ethic. It doesn't matter if you work at a gas station or are the CEO of a major corporation, you are meticulous about your work.
They give you free stuff, just for shopping at your store!
They are so readily available ( and cheap) that if you are waiting more that 2 minutes, you think "where are all the *@! cabs!
Konglish T-shirts
I love the way they butcher the English language on their t-shirts! It doesn't matter how many I see, it is a guaranteed smile when I do.
All the neat "gagets"that stores umbrella bags so you don't get wet when you bring your umbrella in from the the mini cars they put under the shopping carts that kids sit in and they feel like they are driving (great distraction for them I am sure!)
and the #1 reason why I love Korea is:
The amazing way they have treated me since getting here. They have taken such good care of me while I was in their country, and I will never forget that hospitality.