Christa's World

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Good wherever you look

Well, I have been in Korea for 7 months and only recently would consider staying an extra year (cannot though because of grad school next year). I am so happy. I started watching a program that Oprah put on her show. It is called "the secret" and it spoke to me. I really understand what it is they are trying to say and I have started to apply the principals in my life. The premise of this "secret" is based on the laws of attraction, and basically says that you attract into your life what you put out there. It is all about putting a positive message, and being grateful for all you have in your life. I really see the world differently now, and I am so happy. I see good wherever I look and I have really seen what a positive outlook can do for you life. I am swimming now every morning. This time, early in the morning, is so peaceful and it is a time for me to charge myself for the day. Now, if you have ever swam in Korea, you can understand what a "gong show" it can be. In fact there are usually so many people (8 to a lane) that I would describe it more as a class in self-defense. For a culture so bent on rules, the pool is a free for all...elbows, feet, hands everywhere! BUT! In the morning I practically have the Olympic sized pool to myself, give or take a few people. Large double lanes with plenty of elbow room. It really makes such a big difference. I started out my morning today not having a swimming cap (need one in a Korea pool...its the RULES) but a kind man working at the pool gave me one and would not take any money for it. I went down to the pool for a swim. It is funny, a regular swimming would think "how different could it be from Canada"? Well let me tell is a different world, and the good old Koreans did not let me down today. I am swimming in my lane when I noticed that the person next to me was wearing scuba swim lanes? And the guy next to her was doing some sort of cerebral palsy dance and I thought to myself "wow that is great, a man with special needs is getting some fun in the pool". Well, turns out he is NOT special, just exercising. Top this off with a woman standing in the shallow end ferociously beating the water with her hands...pouch pouch pouch...just beating the crap out of the she was not angry, she was exercising! Funny, no one looked twice at these people, but it sure gave me a reason to smile and think "I am so grateful that I have the chance to see this different world". Move on to the shower scene now...I forgot my soap, I have my shampoo and my conditioner, but no soap. Not a big deal I think, but for some reason a women in the shower somehow noticed I did not have soap and came over to offer me her face cloth and a squirt of her body shampoo. How sweet! (I took the soap, not her face cloth, God love her). I guess I did not have enough so she came back and re squirted! Now tell me, would a Canadian do that...or even NOTICE that I was lacking soap? I tell you there is just good wherever I look!


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